jueves, 9 de julio de 2020

tu espíritu esté en calma

Bebe agua donde la bebe tu caballo. Un caballo nunca tomaría agua mala.
Tiende tu cama donde el gato duerme plácidamente.
Come la fruta que ha sido tocada por una lombriz.
Sin miedo recoge los hongos sobre los que se posan los insectos.
Planta un árbol donde el topo escarba.
Construye tu casa donde las víboras toman el sol.
Cava un pozo donde los pájaros se esconden del calor.
Ve a dormir y levántate al mismo tiempo que las aves,
cosecharás los granos de oro de la vida.
Come más verde, tendrás piernas más fuertes y un corazón resistente, como el alma de los bosques.
Mira al cielo más seguido y habla menos, para que el silencio pueda entrar en tu corazón,
y tu espíritu esté en calma y tu vida se llene de paz.
San Serafín de Sarov
(1754 - 1833)

viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

virtues of the woodworker

Below is a list of virtues we expect students to practice in their lives.
Patience: Patient people do not rush or hurry needlessly and carelessly. This virtue is perhaps the most beneficial for the safety of the woodworker. When you are impatient, mistakes happen, sometimes painful ones. Don’t let this happen to you. Be patient!
Diligence: Diligence is the ability to stay focused, work hard, and be attentive. When you come to the VOCS woodshop, you come to work. Be self-motivated and take initiative, don’t just stand around. If you don’t know how to do something, ask.
Creativity: Being creative means you use the resources provided to come up with your own ideas, plans, and special touch. Look for ways to add that little extra to your work. Creativity is always accepted. In fact, in woodworking we like to think that we never make mistakes; we just create opportunities to be creative.
Cooperation: Working well with others is a valuable asset. Don’t rush others. Be kind, gentle, and considerate of the time, beliefs, and abilities of others.
Sobriety: Being sober simply means that you think clearly. Come to class with a clear head. Use common sense when working in the shop. Take time to clear your head and consider what you are doing.
Critical thinking: While in the woodshop, you will be expected to think for yourself. The woodshop is designed to build self-confidence. If you rely on others for answers, you’ll never develop the confidence necessary in life. Be creative and think through solutions before asking others.
Honesty: It is expected that students be honest in everything they do. They do not copy other people’s work, cheat on tests, or turn in projects they did not do. Do not let others do cuts for you. If you are scared, be honest and inform the instructor so that appropriate steps can be taken to help you. Moreover, if you break something, tell the teacher. The bottom line is to take responsibility for yourself and own up to your mistakes.
Respect: Students are to respect the instructor, each other, and the property of VOCS. Treat people better than you want to be treated, and treat property better than you treat your own property. The woodshop is a privilege not a right, so be respectful in all you do.

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Recesión 2020

Cuando la economía es incierta, es hora de ponerse a la defensiva. La única forma de hacerlo es aumentar sus ingresos y reducir sus gastos. De esa manera, tendrá dinero para reducir su deuda. Asegúrese de tener  lo suficiente para 6 meses de gastos y luego como pueda incremente sus ahorros.

Preparándome para la recesión 2020.

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020